
  • You’re cutting straight to it — we like that kinda approach. Well, we’re here to support the coffee industry with better packaging options and we’re a decade into our journey. This means we understand coffee and we design our sustainable packaging to keep your coffee (or other perishables) the hero in the story. We’re 100% Australian owned and we’re a passionate, agile and innovative team dedicated to finding and creating the most sustainable packaging solutions — from compostable, to recyclable and beyond (we’re always thinking about ‘beyond’). When it comes to our customers, it’s far more than a transaction. It’s about building a relationship that helps to create a better future, for business, our industry and the planet.

  • We get it…. so. much. jargon. It can get confusing. To explain it as simply as we can, when a product is compostable, (like our compostable cups or bags) it can be decomposed to organic nutrient matter when disposed of properly, and by then it’s in a state that can be returned to the ground. Recycling and upcycling are similar in that they both involve using existing products (instead of using new resources) and creating them into something else. The key difference is what happens to the existing product. When a product is recyclable (like our recyclable bags), it’s broken down from its current state through a recycling process and turned into raw materials ready to be repurposed to make a new item. However, upcycling is when a product is used in its existing current state to create something new (for example, using old coat hangers to make light fittings).

  • The 2025 National Packaging Targets (the 2025 Targets) are supported by Australian industry and government to deliver a new and sustainable approach to packaging. At EcoBarista, the way we approach our innovation and our product development process is aligned with these targets. They apply to all packaging that is made, used, and sold in Australia. One of these is the phase out of unnecessary single-use plastic packaging. This means that in time, single-use cups that don’t meet compostable standards will be phased out across Australia to meet these targets. Currently traditional single-use coffee cups (ie. non compostable) are banned for use in WA and the city of Hobart in Tasmania.

  • We get asked this one a lot. It’s hard to give a simple answer because it’s a bit of a loaded issue. There are a few variables to consider, such as the community you’re situated in, your customer profile and your sustainability goals as a business. Here at EcoBarista, we view accessibility as a really important factor, ie. what solution, ie. recycling or composting, is most readily available to the mass population in your area? Nearly everyone in Australia has a kerbside recycling bin so therefore kerbside recyclable products could be argued to be the most accessible solution. However, ultimately, home compostable products that decompose into organic matter when disposed of correctly present the most straightforward circular solution. Right now, only 23% of Australians regularly compost at home, so there’s some work to do there. We’re here to help you navigate this question, and figure out the most sustainable option for your business.

  • Yep, 100% we do. For us, custom is where things get fun. We love the opportunity to make your brand shine on a cup or bag. Side note, we also offer custom sizing.

  • We generally process your order within a few business days but shipping times do depend on where you’re located and also the seasonality of the year. We work with great, reliable shipping companies and we’re dedicated to helping you get your order as quickly as possible.

  • While we don’t offer refunds on custom orders for obvious reasons (unless there’s something wrong with them, of course!), if you’re wanting to change your stock order, reach out to us and we’ll always do our best to accommodate you.

  • Yes, we do offer discounts for orders over a certain quantity. Reach out to our team to find out more!

  • More jargon…ugh. Minimum order quantity!

  • It depends where you’re located! We work with our shipping partners to get the best possible rates for our customers. Reach out to us for more information!

  • For custom orders, there are occasionally set up fees depending on the quantity of the order. Don’t let that scare you off, though! Reach out to us and we can help you navigate through the fees involved with custom orders.

Coffee Bags

  • Firstly, they are made from vastly different materials. Recyclable soft plastics (plastics that can be easily scrunched in your hand like plastic bags and wrappers) are made from plastic, whereas compostable products are made from various plant-based materials. The way they’re made and what they’re made of means their end of life looks different. Recyclable soft plastics must be recycled through your local supermarket’s REDcycle bin (they can’t go in kerbside waste). From there, they are then recycled into a range of different products through the REDcycle program. Whereas compostable products, when disposed of properly through household compost or commercial compost, are decomposed to organic nutrient matter which can then be returned to the earth.

  • Currently, soft plastics can’t be recycled through council-run kerbside recycling services; they must be dropped off at your local supermarket's REDcycle bin to be recycled. Right now, the REDcycle program is temporarily on hold but we encourage you to stay tuned to their website and social media for updates on when they begin running again.

  • When it comes to our compostable coffee bags, we offer two options.

    Our new rapidly-renewable home Compostable coffee bag is derived from natural resources. Built using sugarcane, cassava and corn and designed to be compostable at openair landfill sites in ambient condition (30°c), without requiring a specialised composting or recycling facility. Ideal for a shorter shelf life where minimal storage and shipping is needed.

    Compostable Plus:
    A rapidly-renewable compostable coffee bag that’s derived from the same natural resources as our compostable bag however we’ve added a plant-based lining to create an increased oxygen barrier. Designed with a removable valve, our Compostable Plus is ideal for sustainably minded roasters needing more protection for longer storage and shipping.

  • Home compostable products take around three months to decompose, if certified. This does depend on the temperature of your compost at home. For commercially compostable products that must be disposed of via commercial compost, this process takes around eight weeks, give or take.

  • To guarantee the freshness of your coffee for an extended period of time, we recommend our CompostablePlus and soft plastic bag options. If you order our Compostable bags instead of CompostablePlus, we recommend transferring the beans to an airtight canister to maintain optimum freshness.

  • There’s a lot of talk out there. Certification helps you to discern mere talk from real action when it comes to this sustainability space. The ABA Australian standards compostable certification determines the compostability of a product and the effect it has on the quality of the compost it generates. Every product, even if made of the same materials, has quite different chemical, physical and biological properties that perform differently in soil. The ABA offers certification for both commercially compostable and home compostable materials, to clearly identify and differentiate packaging materials as biodegradable and compostable. To be certified compostable and carry the ABA certification logos, suitable biopolymer materials must undergo a stringent test regime outlined by the ABA standard. We’re happy to say that EcoBarista’s commercial and home compostable materials have been tested and certified under this accreditation. This certification means you can have confidence that you’re buying a product that’s truly compostable and kind to the environment, tested and proven.

  • Once disposed of correctly, we’re happy to say that your EcoBarista compostable bag will decompose to organic nutrient matter which can then be returned to the earth’s ground. Doesn’t get more circular than that.

  • Compostable materials are designed to be composted and that means that unfortunately they can’t be recycled. If you can’t compost it, we recommend you place it in your general bin instead of your recycle bin. Which leads into the next question…

  • Compostable materials are designed to be composted, which occurs in controlled environments with higher temperatures. If your compostable bag ended up in landfill, depending on the climate and position of the landfill, there’s a chance it could break down although we can’t guarantee it.

  • Both create a nutrient-rich compost as a result of their processes. Commercial composting is able to sustain the temperature and stability of the compost more rigorously, and can break down PLA bioplastic products within a shorter time frame.

    Home composting breaks down organic waste like food scraps and green waste in a backyard compost barrel or container. However PLA bioplastic products can’t be home composted properly because of the lower heat temperatures that home composting generates. This is why our compostable cups, which are lined with PLA to stop them from collapsing when filled, need to be commercially composted.

  • It’s pretty straightforward. First, you’ll need to find your local composting facility and then you’ll need to sign up for regular collection. We recommend Waste Ninja as a great place to start.

  • Our compostable bags are made from a unique blend of renewable, plant-based materials including cassava, sugar cane and cornstarch.

  • Our compostable bags are made from renewable, plant-based materials which on their own are deemed home compostable. However, we are currently undertaking a process to have the entire bag certified home compostable with the ABA. Side note: our team has been composting them at home and it’s working a treat.

  • Compostable materials generally aren’t designed to hold liquids or oils over a longer period of time. If you’ve got a product that falls into this category, reach out to us and our team will be able to advise you on the best solution.

  • Because they’re made from renewable plant-based materials, compostable products (unlike plastic products) won’t last forever. We generally say 18 months is the standard shelf life for a compostable bag, however this can be affected by the climate it’s stored in. For this reason, it’s always important to store your compostable product in a cool climate-controlled environment.


  • Our clear cups are kerbside recyclable, which means they can be popped in your yellow bin. Easy as.

  • In short, unfortunately not. Due to the complexity of separating the PLA cup lining from the paper fibre, recyclability doesn’t work for compostable cups. We recommend separating them from recyclable waste so they can be collected for commercial composting. Waste Ninja is a service that offers commercial composting.

  • Yep, we’d say so. Plastics are made from fossil fuels which are a finite resource. Compostable products are made from plants, making them a renewable resource and therefore, a more environmentally friendly product to end up in landfill than plastic.

  • Our cups are made from quality paper, then lined with PLA which is a plant-based renewable polymer made typically from fermented plant starch, such as corn, cassava or sugarcane, that helps to contain the liquid and stop the cup from collapsing once it’s filled.

  • Our cups are designed to be commercially composted only. They aren’t recommended for composting at home, simply due to the higher temperatures that are required to decompose the PLA lining.

  • We recommend reaching out to Waste Ninja as an option, but there are many other commercial composting groups around the country.